The Environmental Impact of Baby Diapers: What You Should Know

The Environmental Impact of Baby Diapers: What You Should Know

Blog Article

Wellcare cares about the planet and we’re excited to bring you some important information about how baby diapers can impact the environment. The upkeep of children is very essential especially when babies, and diapers play such an essential role in that. But have you wondered how these diapers affect our Planet Earth and the eco system surrounding us?

Which is Greener?

It is challenging to choose the right kind of new born diapers. Generally, there are two main types of diapers: disposable diapers and cloth diapers. Disposable diapers are extremely user friendly and convenient. You just put one on your baby, and when it gets dirty, you can toss it away with no drama. But disposable diapers aren’t environmentally friendly. They take forever to decompose, so they sit in landfills for decades — which means they're adding to the trash. This is not in the best interest of our planet.”

In contrast, cloth diapers can be more environmentally friendly. These diapers are reusable, so they create less waste. But there is a small catch: cloth diapers have to be washed quite a few times, and that consumes many gallons of water and electricity. Thus, while cloth diapers are re-useable, they have an environmental cost in the resources required to clean them.

The Next Generation: From Biodegradable to Reusable Options

Today, there are more environmentally friendly diaper choices on the market. Biodegradable diapers consist of special materials that decompose easily in the environment. This means they won’t sit in landfills for as long as disposables do. When they do get thrown away, they break down and become part of the earth again. It is a good option for families who wish to be nice to our planet.

Beyond that, reusable diapers are an excellent option too. You are able to wash and reuse them, which helps minimize waste. Wellcare recommends that families consider a combination of reusable and biodegradable disposable diapers . This combination can significantly reduce environmental impact and benefit our planet.

Tips on How to Dispose of Diapers Disposable diapers.

If you choose to use disposables, it is extremely important that you know how to dispose of them correctly. Never drop dirty diapers on the ground or make a wrinkled diaper pile on a regular recycling bin; it makes a huge mess and is harmful to the environment. Instead, you should tightly wrap the diapers in a plastic bag, and then place that in a garbage bin. That way, they won’t fly away in the wind and your neighborhood remains clean and tidy.

Little Shifts That Create a Big Difference

Sustainability is not only about the type of biodegradable diapers we use, it’s also about the little things we do each day to contribute to the environment. We can remember things like turning off the water while brushing our teeth or washing our hands. We can avoid plastic bags or straws when shopping or sipping on a drink. These small changes may feel insignificant, but could actually have a massive impact on our planet’s wellbeing.

Wellfare is focused on making baby-friendly and eco-friendly products. We ask all parents to consider eco-friendly options for diapering their children. Let's do it together to build a better world for future generations by making these small changes. Do your part, and that of helping protect our planet.


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